IRCTC has introduced a lucky draw for the New registered users who book at least one ticket during the week from Monday to Sunday. Every week on Monday, four lucky users will be selected through a random process by computerized draw to award the lucky prizes. The step has been taken to increase the awareness among people about online ticket booking.
Check out IRCTC login account Registration and ticket booking process information provided on our website.
As a result IRCTC website will have more accounts and more users of it's website. It will also help IRCTC to generate revenue through online advertising and ticket booking and also through it online shopping store if relaunched in future.
Following are the terms and conditions of the draw
- The lucky draw contest will be held every week starting on 22nd September 2014.
- The new users who registered a account and booked at least one ticket during the week will be eligible for the lucky draw on the following Monday.
- If Monday happens to be a holiday, draw will be held on next working day.
- Every user should provide correct information while filling the registration form. Incorrect information may lead to disqualification and termination of your IRCTC account.
- A total of Four prizes will be given every week.
✓ First lucky winner will get a laptop.
✓ 2nd and 3rd winner will get a Smart Phone each.
✓ 4th winner will get New Delhi-Mata Rani package for one person (NDR01)-(All inclusive with confirm return ticket in AC-3 Tier). - The lucky draw winners will be selected through a computerized random process.
- List of lucky winners will be displayed on IRCTC website by Monday evening every week after verification of information provided in registration form.
- Winners will also be informed by IRCTC on their registered email ID and mobile number.
- Winners will receive the prizes on their registered address only.
- IRCTC reserves the right to disqualify any members/entries without assigning any reason to it.
- The lucky draw scheme would be for limited period only.
Check out IRCTC login account Registration and ticket booking process information provided on our website.